Perma Chink Chinking

Regular price $ 213.99

Perma-Chink chinking looks like traditional mortar.  It stretches, compresses, and tightly adheres to the wood surface to make your log  walls weathers tight, while enhancing the finished look of your home.  Perma-Chink is still the easiest and most reliable  chinking to apply to your log home.

Free Shipping: 5 Gallons Pails and 30 oz. Tube Full Cases.


Highly elastic

Seals gaps 1 inch or wider

Maintenance free

Very low VOC formula 

10 -Year warranty

Compatible with all Perm-Chink Systems wood care products

Drying Time: Skins over in 20 Minutes. Complete curing may take 3 to 8 weeks depending on temperature and humidity.

Clean Up: Soap and water

Packaging: 11 oz. Tubes, 30 oz. Case, 5 Gallon Pails